stories of woods
- stories of woods
Like gleaming emeralds scattered about, the earth is covered in beautiful forests. Through the use of images, these stories capture everything down to the moisture and fragrances of the forest. We hope to maintain these forests for the children of 7 generations to come.
- stories of journey
We set out in search of small treasures like the story told by an elderly man on the bus, the smile of a child showing us the way, breathtaking landscapes, and tiny shells washed among the waves.
stories of house
- stories of house
Planet Earth is a home shared by all livingthings. How can we all get along peacefully? Let’s learn from people who live with Earth’s song in their ears and in their hearts.
- stories of object
Within every object that is made, a spirit slumbers. A story crystallizes inside that revitalizes the life of the raw materials, the love of the craftsman’s hands, and the technique of our ancestors that is passed down with the object.
stories of foods
- stories of foods
Grandma is always the best cook, and she’s also the best story teller. In this section we aim to preserve the flavors and the knowledge hiding in Grandma’s Kitchen. These are her recipes and her old tales, told for children all over the world.
- stories of tales
“Kotodama” literally means “The spirit of words”. Stories from long ago that have been passed down by our ancestors convey meaning to the children of today. These are the dreams and desires that are hidden within our words.
stories of ocean
- stories of ocean
70% of the earth’s surface is covered by ocean. For some reason we feel a sense of nostalgia when gazing out into the blue. This is the story of how “Ocean does not separate us, it connects us.”